
It's My Birthday Too

5:17 PM

I turned 28 today. It has been a good day. Joseph really knows how to spoil a girl and show her a good time. 

In the past year, so much has changed for me. The biggest and most important one to me is the fact that I just have this overwhelming blessed feeling. In the past year I have managed to become very blessed with the people in my life. From making new friends, to fixing old friendships, to maintaining connections, this past year I've grown to feel more secure in who I am and what I mean to other people. 

I've also finished my English degree. Finally! I've put myself out there on a limb with selling Jamberry and have been successful. I've rediscovered my love for Crossfit and really managed to find comfort in my body and abilities, as well as pride in myself. 

I've spent another wonderful year with my family. Emmy is just the most amazing kid in the world and Joseph is a continuous blessing to me. I couldn't ask for more. 

Although I'm not sure what this next year has in store for me. And, at times I feel like a failure at adulting because perhaps I should know what I want to do with my life. I'm excited for what is to come. 

Super big thanks to anyone who helped make today awesome. I'm a very loved girl. 

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