How an Accident Can't Stop a Crossfit Addict

10:54 AM

Last Tuesday I partially dislocated and sprained my knee at crossfit. I’ve been reluctant to discuss this because I know that people’s minds will jump to “crossfit is dangerous; it isn’t safe.” But the reality is, I’ve hurt myself running, I’ve hurt myself dancing, I hurt myself in 4th grade at the skating rink when someone ran into me. Accidents happen and they are a byproduct of living. At the end of the day, what happened to my knee was a freak occurrence and it hasn’t swayed my love of crossfit in the least… so moving on:

Last Wednesday, like a good little patient, I went to the doctor to get my knee checked out. It was swollen, but not terribly, the pain had subsided a great deal but, I just wanted to make sure that I was okay. I guess, what I had really been hoping I would hear is “go home, rest, ice and elevate and you’ll be better in no time.” However, that wasn’t my reality.

Instead, because my knee is partially dislocated, my patella isn’t in the correct spot, I mean, it practically is, but not fully. So, the doctor gave me a brace to wear for the next 4-6 weeks and hopefully the next time I get x-rays done, my patella will be back in line.

When the doctor first told me that I’d be in a brace for 6 weeks, I was extremely bummed. I mean, I love crossfit and he just told me no running, jumping, squatting. Really, no intense motion or activity for my knee for a month and a half. Crossfit is mainly comprised of all those movements. Half of our lifts involve a squat of some kind, and running? That’s a main kind of cardio. And all I could think of was all the ways in which I wasn’t allowed to use my knee for the next 4-6 weeks. I was bummed, beyond bummed. I was, honestly, trying not to start crying.

It took a couple of days. Really, it took until my next crossfit workout (that following Friday) for my attitude to get a shift. While there was a portion of the workout I couldn’t do, I scaled it to the ability of my injury and I still got a really great workout. Duh, one of the best things about crossfit is that it is scalable for anyone. It is a fully inclusive sport, after all. And then I realized that sure, there is a lot I cannot do at the moment… But, imagine for a minute if I had torn a ligament and had needed surgery. That would have been a financial burden that would have weighed heavily on me. I definitely wouldn’t be looking at a 4-6 week healing time frame and I wouldn’t have been back at crossfit a mere 3 days later.

And, it’s only been a week so I have no doubt that there will be many times I will feel major frustration for not being able to participate normally, or getting to work on some of my favorite lifts. But, I could have needed surgery, I could have needed to stop crossfitting altogether for a while, and I didn’t. And for that I need to be ecstatic.

For the record there is still a lot you can do with one leg out of commission:

Rowing one legged
Pistols on your good side
Muscle hang cleans
Pull ups
L sits
Ring Rows
Dumbbell Rows
Jumping Rope on one foot
Bench Press
Strict Press
Sit Ups
Push Ups

So, now I’m just praying that the brace does its job, the swelling goes down and in a month, or so, I’m cleared to go back to life normally. And crossfitting, all the while, because what crossfit has done for my life has so magnificently over shadowed one accident.

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  1. I'm come to the conclusion that Sandra Bragg is dangerous... no wait :-) When I crashed in a bicycle race, racing on a velodrome, with no brakes - unable to coast - I did what every smart person does, I bought a motorcycle!

    If we live in fear - life sucks! Manager your risks, embrace your scars and most of all - HAVE FUN!

  2. I'm come to the conclusion that Sandra Bragg is dangerous... no wait :-) When I crashed in a bicycle race, racing on a velodrome, with no brakes - unable to coast - I did what every smart person does, I bought a motorcycle!

    If we live in fear - life sucks! Manager your risks, embrace your scars and most of all - HAVE FUN!



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