
Crossfit Regionals, Granite Games and Overcoming My Own Perceptions of My Abilities

3:00 PM
When we went to the Mid Atlantic Crossfit Regionals a few months ago there was one girl that I really enjoyed watching. While I really love watching all of the athletes workout because they are absolutely amazing and inspiring there was one woman in particular that just really spoke to my soul. As expected, the athletes at regionals are chiseled and cut and they look the athlete part. They are not the normal mere mortals that do crossfit to live a healthier lifestyle. No, no, they are the individuals whose lives are dedicated to trying to become fittest on Earth.

And, this girl who just resonated with me, she was absolutely amazing and she wasn’t chiseled or cut. Not to say she wasn’t fit; girl could do legless rope climbs, strict muscle ups and placed top 3rd on one of the more strenuous workouts of the weekend. And for someone like me, who isn’t a tiny little princess; who hasn’t figured out the “enjoy food and workout” balance yet, seeing a more “normal” body kill it was awesome. (Normal, of course, being a fully relative term)
What I really loved about this girl is that, no doubt, people would look at this regional athlete and without knowing better would make judgment calls about her or what they think she would be able to do, or her skills. And, I feel like because she was a tad bit thicker than your typical regionals athlete, she really showed me that what you look like, or what you might be carrying around with you does not dictate your skills or abilities.

Because, if I’m being honest, I think it’s easy to look at people and pigeonhole them into what they should be able to do depending on how they look. And, when that happens I feel like it’s a great disservice to that person. And, so I’m watching this girl, who isn’t shaped like a typical regional athlete and realizing that although she is FAR and AWAY more fit than me, there is no reason why I can’t endeavor and succeed with whatever I want to do, regardless of how I look or am shaped. And there is certainly no reason to put off trying and working on skills.

So, the past 5 weeks we’ve been doing the Granite Games and I signed up for the scaled division, because I am 100% a scaled athlete (and okay with that). And, I feel like my results really highlight the fact that you cannot look at a person and decide what they are able to do. You cannot write off someone’s potential. Because, what will happen is this normally shaped girl, who still struggles with gymnastic moves but refuses to give up on conquering them, will come in second for the scaled division at her box out of a great deal of very talented, and competitive athletes. This girl will stay top 3 on all the workouts except the last, because of those danged gymnastic moves, and even have a 1st place finish in the workouts for her box. And while I may not know if I changed anyone's perceptions of my abilities, I certainly know I changed my own.

I may have a long way to go with some skills but I can’t be pigeonholed into expectations, not even by myself.

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  1. I love this! You killed it and did AWESOME! You are definitely an athlete to watch out for!! Loves ya / / mean it!



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