

3:04 PM

I’ve seen this trend over the last couple of years of choosing a word to focus on for the new year instead of a specific resolution. My dear friend brought it up this year and it got me thinking about what word I would choose.

Last year, although I didn’t specifically choose a word or set out to embrace any one idea, in hindsight the word is sort of obvious. “Self” is the word that best highlighted the changes I made last year. For a long time I didn’t treat myself right, I didn’t love myself right and I didn’t put in the time to take care of myself. So last year, I tried new things, I pampered myself, and I worked on loving myself for who I was in the moment and not who I used to be or who I wished I could be. Although on the surface “self” can seem like a selfish idea, I think it was a really important thing for me to focus on because I’m more than a wife or a mother and I needed to focus on myself to find out who I was becoming.

This year, after a lot of consideration on the things I love and care about, I decided that I really wanted to focus on the word “inspire”. I know that I struggle with the idea and want of “keeping up with the Joneses”. This is a dangerous rabbit hole to go down for so many reasons but namely because it is driven by jealousy. I don’t want to be driven by jealousy. But, if you change the focus and focus on those who inspire you and not those who you are jealous of, you flip the perception.

I want my focus on to be on those things and people that inspire me. As I’ve thought about this word, and thought about the inspiration in my life, I realized one pretty neat fact and that is that I don’t need to go far to look for inspiration. One thing I dedicate a lot of time too and care a lot about is crossfit and in my box there are many fierce females that inspire me in so many different ways. (The guys are awesome too but females just tend to inspire me more.)

Additionally, I want to look at my own actions and see how I can change them so that I’m not a negative person, so that I don’t evoke negative aspects in others and perhaps share a little inspiration. I don’t plan on going out of my way to inspire, but I do plan to dedicate my words and actions to more positivity so that I don’t demotivate others.

Last year had so many amazing points and I learned and changed so much by focusing on “self” so I can’t wait to see how my perspective changes and what else changes by focusing on inspiration and not jealousy.

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